backyard powerlifting

Brazilian Powerlifting League – the new president sees new hope

This is Carlos Daniel Llosa’s acknowledgement text concerning BPL’s “elite nationals”. Carlos Daniel is the new president of the BPL and this is the first year we decided to have elite nationals. Both need some context for proper understanding. The BPL is a non-profit NGO. Pioneers I have learned a lot from have been telling […]

Brazilian Powerlifting League – the new president sees new hope Read More »

The honor issue in powerlifting – the hangover

I needed to share this. It’s like food intoxication: either it comes out one way or the other (or both), but it has to come out. Tomorrow and the day after the “IPL elite nationals” will take place in Brazil – the first time in 6 years a “clean” championship is not done under my

The honor issue in powerlifting – the hangover Read More »


About “giant championships”, advantages for the sport, “popularization” and the right number of lifters   Today, powerlifting organizations are fighting for athletes: they all want the largest crowd in their meets. We hear about national meets with hundreds of lifters and Worlds with over 500 lifters. Why is this important? For two reasons: power and

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Backyard powerlifting for foreigners

This is a very short note Just to explain what I mean by “backyard powerlifting”. In Brasil, we are basically squeezed between two equally disgusting perversions of the noble sport of powerlifting: the corrupt fascist IPF alternative, with its threats and all the stuff you already know about them from other parts of the world

Backyard powerlifting for foreigners Read More »

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