
The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you

There´s a controversy that won’t go away that easy: what improves your deaflift more? Increasing or decreasing frequency? Until a few years back, we had few advocates of the higher (highER, not high) frequency deadlift. Today, however, a couple of good coaches recommend higher frequency pulling. Three weeks ago, one of my lifters had a […]

The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you Read More »

Pronated and alternate grip for the deadlift

I believe it is a consensus that training the pronated grip for the deadlift will improve both grip strength and the deadlift itself. As Altug Dural described his protocol (the 1-2-3 ladder), I became curious and started to ask around about people’s pronated grip deadlift PR. Most people don’t know and never tried to measure

Pronated and alternate grip for the deadlift Read More »

About boys, testosterone and pads

Today I received a video from a student in his 4th week of this training cycle. He is (very) young physical educator and instructor at a gym chain in São Paulo. Nice deadlift. Pads under the bar to “protect” the floor from the 400 something pound impact. So I remembered the conversation I had with

About boys, testosterone and pads Read More »

The deadlift and lower back soreness

  There’s too much controversy about why it happens and what the biomechanical culprit is. I read what’s there to read from blogs and non-specialist forums and also from lifters. That’s what interests me the most: it doesn’t matter if the lifter is way off in his/her explanation of the phenomenon: he/she knows how it

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Quads, butt and shoulder blades: quick fixes to the deadlift

As it always happens in every meet, a few kids today, at the South American WPC Championship, missed the deadlift. Most of them failed to lockout with straight legs and hips. I had the chance to try and help some at the warmup area, where we were waiting to be called to the platform. It

Quads, butt and shoulder blades: quick fixes to the deadlift Read More »

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