jason samper

Bloco Sul-americano coleciona recordes no Campeonato Mundial de Powerlifting RAW (GPA)

A America do Sul se apresentou como um bloco no Campeonato Mundial de Powerlifting e Supino (Raw) da Global Powerlifting Alliance (GPA), 1-4 de dezembro, em Jonesboro, Georgia, Estados Unidos. No ano anterior, o campeão mundial Mauro Spinardi (Argentina) foi a Atlanta sozinho, quebrou o recorde mundial de agachamento de 355kg e tornou-se o representante […]

Bloco Sul-americano coleciona recordes no Campeonato Mundial de Powerlifting RAW (GPA) Leia mais »

South American block collects records at the GPA World Powerlifting Championship

(also at http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/node/21048 ) South America showed up as a block the GPA (raw) World Powerlifting Championship, December 1-4 in Jonesboro, GA. The year before, World Champion Mauro Spinardi came alone, squatted the world record weight of 355kg and became the continent’s representative. During the following months, he brought four new country members to the GPA (Colombia, Brazil,

South American block collects records at the GPA World Powerlifting Championship Leia mais »

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