I’m back from an intense weekend of training and teaching. Joel Fridman and I developed the first WEIGHTLIFTS program in the country and this was its first edition. For more than one year, we discussed this project. We believed the five weightlifts (snatch, clean and jerk, squat, bench press and deadlift) are complementary, basic to any strength and conditioning program and even to the ability to think life as a movement adventure. We trained together, we cross-coached, sharing our expertise in our respective arts (weightlifting and powerlifting) and we developed an integrated language about Strength and Movement that resulted, among other things, in this first course offered this weekend at Crossfit Brasil.
I am very tired, a little sore, hungry and dirty. As soon as I fix these issues, I’ll be back for a more thorough discussion on what I believe may be a new era of integrated thinking about Strength in our country.
All in all, both of us are very happy. Our brainchild is a great success!!
MARILIACOUTINHO.COM – idéias sobre treinamento de força, powerlifting, levantamento de peso, strongman, esportes de força, gênero e educação física.
A vida é pentavalente: arranco, arremesso, agachamento, supino e levantamento terra.