elitefts reprint

Coach: teacher, friend, mentor or the “more experienced other” (in memoriam) – part 2

(Originally published on elitefts, authored by me) This is the 11th day after my young friend and athlete’s passing. It’s a lot of time but not time enough to elaborate on my questions. They remain unanswered. I only coached him for a couple of months but the darkness in our continued private conversation kept me

Coach: teacher, friend, mentor or the “more experienced other” (in memoriam) – part 2 Read More »

Coach: teacher, friend, mentor or the “more experienced other” (in memoriam)

Today I won’t share someone’s program. It doesn’t make sense anymore. He’s gone (as in deceased). (originally published at elitefts – authored by me) I was informed of his passing Monday, two days later. I still can’t explain my inner paradox: I had been engaging in mental rehearsals, “auto-biographical function” or just entertaining random trains

Coach: teacher, friend, mentor or the “more experienced other” (in memoriam) Read More »

Recovery from overtraining syndrome: Sean’s story

Original article: https://www.elitefts.com/coaching-logs/recovery-from-overtraining-syndrome-seans-story Sean is an old friend who shares a mixed blessing with some of the most interesting people I know: he is multi-talented and he doesn’t have one talent overriding all the others. He is a business manager in a multi-national company, he has two kids in whose life and education he fully

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The Role of Mental Toughness in Sport Performance

“Have the courage to choose the future rather than the past.” — Dr. Salvatore Maddi  “You must unlearn what you have learned.”— Yoda Introduction: Another Brick in the Wall A while ago, I wrote a series of articles about motivation. My goal was to offer an evidence-based introduction to the concepts involved in motivation. The terms that expressed

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Intimidation and the Fitness Industry

(This article was originally published at www.elitefts.com – link below) “Your compliance will be rewarded.” (Hydra, Marvel Pictures) This article is in sequence to my previous article. Its target audience is primarily the gym owner but also health professionals working in physical training in general, sports and fitness environments, and institutions. I hope it may be a tool

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How to fix your bench press – part 3: Programming Issues and Assistance Work (EliteFTS collection)

1. The setup 2. The execution 3. Programming and assistance work   This is the third and last part of this series on how to fix your bench press. Let us start by repeating one of my half a dozen favorite sayings in powerlifting coaching: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This said, understand

How to fix your bench press – part 3: Programming Issues and Assistance Work (EliteFTS collection) Read More »

How to Fix Your Bench Press: Parte 2 -The Execution (EliteFTS series)

“How to fix your bench press” was a series of three articles originally published at the EliteFTS website. The parts were:   1. The setup 2. The execution 3. Programming and assistance work On my website, I reproduce part of the article and the link to keep reading it at the EliteFTS site.   How

How to Fix Your Bench Press: Parte 2 -The Execution (EliteFTS series) Read More »

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