
Competition: when you know your best there is not really your best. The performance optimization curve and the athlete’s mind

In two weeks I will be going to Colombia to take part on the South American WPC powerlifting championship. About everything that could go wrong did go wrong: I had planned on going equipped, I had some experience with equipment, especially the bench shirt, but for some reason, I did not adjust. In 2011 I

Competition: when you know your best there is not really your best. The performance optimization curve and the athlete’s mind Leia mais »

Losing hope

This is not an essay. This is not an argument. This is just a note to myself and everybody else to pursue this line of thinking further, and also to share my very slight enthusiasm about discovering it. It sounds like a productive approach: the relationship between hope and burnout. I haven’t really read the

Losing hope Leia mais »

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