sports psychology @en

Todos os cisnes são brancos

Todos os cisnes são brancos. Mulheres são de Venus, homens são de Marte. Leite de vaca é um veneno. Carne vermelha causa câncer e hipertensão. Colesterol mata. O atleta é um herói e um gladiador. Você, homem branco, pense nos seus privilégios! O atleta é no fundo uma puta. Carne vermelha é o melhor alimento […]

Todos os cisnes são brancos Leia mais »

Three lessons I learned about how not to handle digital fights in sports

Some years ago, when two of my furry best friends were alive, they had a moment of estrangement. Unfortunately, they got into a serious fight Rita went for Nala’s throat. I jumped in an tried to stop them. They ignored me. When I actively intervened, they attacked me. I don’t remember how I succeeded in

Three lessons I learned about how not to handle digital fights in sports Leia mais »

Into the mind of the coach: Jay Ashman

(“Into the mind of the coach” project – all the interview links) Please tell us something about yourself: where and when were you born and places you lived. Where do you live now? I was born in Reading, PA and moved around quite a bit for career and personal reasons. I spent a lot of

Into the mind of the coach: Jay Ashman Leia mais »

Into the mind of the coach

This is a series of interviews that some friends who are great coaches agreed to answer. My objective was to explore the personal aspects of each of these people’s lives that made them what they are: good coaches. That includes their childhood experiences and influences, the people they admired, and chance. Chance plays a big

Into the mind of the coach Leia mais »

Four types of people that bother me concerning Performance Enhancing Drugs:

The pseudo-zealots. I have a problem with zealots in general but I’m not a hypocrite: I am a zealot myself when it comes to certain values I will never negotiate. So, in spite of totally disagreeing with them, I have some level of respect for people who consider having sex before marriage a sin, and

Four types of people that bother me concerning Performance Enhancing Drugs: Leia mais »

The tragedy of lipservice trans-disciplinarity: writing about sports without having ever been there

By: Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) and Eric Brown (@oracleofihop)   A few weeks ago, the two of us were discussing a topic related to fitness management, with implications to marketing and sales: client retention and untapped reserve. Let’s take a look at the physical structure of most conventional gyms: there is a strip of “cardio machines”,

The tragedy of lipservice trans-disciplinarity: writing about sports without having ever been there Leia mais »

Powerlifting as a tool in the inner war against drugs

I want to start with two revelations that will certainly drive more than a few readers away: I am not against the use of recreational drugs for any moral reason. In fact, in a completely rational manner, I defend the gradual legalization (and regulation) of production, industrialization and commercialization of drugs as the only possible

Powerlifting as a tool in the inner war against drugs Leia mais »

“Comigo não, charlatão” – uma iniciativa contra as pseudo-autoridades em treinamento de força e condicionamento

“Comigo não, charlatão” é uma iniciativa do Hugo Quinteiro, expressando uma indignação geral dos profissionais que atuam na área da educação continuada e extensão universitária no treinamento. Hoje existe um fenômeno assustador de “autoridades auto-proclamadas”. Isso não é só no Brasil. Estas auto-proclamadas autoridades reivindicam para si, sem o menor pudor, qualificações que não possuem:

“Comigo não, charlatão” – uma iniciativa contra as pseudo-autoridades em treinamento de força e condicionamento Leia mais »

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter

“So I broke this yoke record, which is not meant to stay, but to be broken again”. Thus spoke Marcos Ferrari, the highest ranked strongman in Brazil. Today. Just for today, and he knows it. Even at a young age, he knows all athletic accomplishments are the best for a short period of time. Sometimes

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter Leia mais »

The good and beautiful side of powerlifting – may the Force be with you

Today there was a post at the RUM (Raw Unity Meets) group. I’ll share – I don’t think anyone will be mad at me for this:   “If anybody needs help with handoffs, wraps, etc, I’d be happy to. My credentials are as follows: I have a beard. I’m strongish (1800 total). I once wrapped

The good and beautiful side of powerlifting – may the Force be with you Leia mais »

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