YIcompete: review of wrist wraps

Welcome to a review of some excellent wraps. For me, as a person who accidentally became a resource for the community in evaluating equipment, it is a pleasure to examine and write about good gear. Today I will evaluate YIcompete wraps and interview Scott Reid, YIcompete founder, to know more about the company. The story of the businesses that manufacture gear for our sport are as much part of the history of the sport as a big lift or a great meet.

The first part is an evaluation of the equipment (wrist and knee wraps) and the second is an interview with Scott Reid.

The present model of YIcompete wraps is better suited for the competitive powerlifter, stronger (any sex) or male strength training practitioner. It’s elasticity/constriction ration is good for higher proportions of lifted weight/body weight. It is not velvety or has any other adherence structure to the fabric, but is spongy and rough enough so that the layers of wrap do not slide, adhere nicely and provide an optimal “cast” effect, while adjusting to the wrist joint. The “cast” effect is what keeps the wrist from flexing, extension or side bending that would cause injury and/or instability during the bench press. It is the desirable effect that lifters seek in a wrap.

Observe the wrapping and lifting videos of my test bellow.


As for the knee wrap, the same structural elements make it a good wrap for either competition or training. Heavier or more experienced lifters will prefer this type of wrap on training as well as meet day: competitors should not use different types of wraps, since they should be used to the wrap to be used in competition. Some lifters, however, will use lighter wraps for lighter weights, especially if the wrap chosen for competition is excessively constrictive and not elastic enough (allows for less variation of constrictiveness). The YIcompete knee wrap model I examined is suited for both situations and adjusts well.


Interview with Scott Reid

* When did you found YIcompete? Tell us a little about your motivations for creating a gear company and your involvement with the strength sports

Scott – First off I want to thank you for testing the wraps and for the opportunity to answer your questions!  YiCompete was founded in June of 2014, but it was in the works a few years before that.  I had the idea for YiCompete about 3 years before it actually took place, but never took the leap.  Then at the absolute worst time ( I am a firefighter and got furloughed at work, which ended up taking about 45% of my pay for about 2 or 3 months), I decided to go ahead with it.  It was then or never!  It was about a year long process getting everything together and then I got some shirts made, because I wanted to sell apparel, and everyone liked the logo and shirts.  Then I was in the gym one day training and I had on an expensive, but crappy, pair of wrists wraps and thought it would be pretty cool if I have my own wrists wraps.  That’s when all the extensive research came in to find the right material, length, what people liked, didn’t like, and so on.  Then it just kind of went from there.  As a powerlifter, I know the importance of good reliable gear and thought if I was going to go down this avenue then I want to make the best possible gear I can to help athletes achieve their goals.  My belief is in doing this it will help promote strength sports, (all of them) and the athletes themselves.

* This is a question that everyone should be thinking: how did you choose the name “YIcompete”? What is a competition for you?

Scott – This is where it gets interesting!  This will either make people like the company more or turn them away.  I knew I wanted a name that would not pin the company to one certain group.  I wanted something that would include ALL strength athletes!  So I was looking at videos of meets, and things like that, and thought how hard those people work or train to get to that level.  Basically why do they compete and put themselves through that for little or no money?  Then I thought well why do I do it and then it hit me Why Do I Compete, which became YiCompete!  Now here is the part I was talking about earlier.  The logo is different and here is its story!  I had the name but no logo and I am a Christian and wanted a logo to let it be known that the foundation and morals of this company are based off of that.  So the search began and I prayed for about 3 weeks and got nothing, so I thought in time he will send me an answer.  Well another couple of weeks passed and I am starting to get worried because I have not got anything and it is getting crunch time.  Then one night I was at work and the tones went off, (the tones are what wakes firefighters up at night when they are sleeping to go on a call), or so I thought.  I got up but there was no tones, no lights, no nothing.  Then the moment I got back to my bunk it hit me.  I pulled out the notepad from my night stand and began to draw the logo you see today.  I came home told my wife what happened and asked her if she thought it would work.  She looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I know it will fail if you don’t use it.”  I had the logo for a while before I noticed if you look at it and take the C out of it; it resembles Christ on the cross!  I did not tell you that to bring people to or turn away from YiCompete.   This is who I am and what the company is about and I am not ashamed in any way!!!  Competition to me is everyday life!  Every day I compete for my Faith and my Family!  The grind of everyday life is hard enough already and the outlet and joy that strength sports bring to me is something that I wish ever person could feel.  So that is one of the reasons why promoting the strength sports is so important to me and the company!  Everyday life is a competition and it carries endless amounts of stress.  But for me the platform is where you can let all that go.  It is not about self it is about being dedicated, motivated and overcoming plateaus and doing it on a regular basis.  When you do this in front of people with that added pressure and you do it over and over that is what makes a champion!  Then the motivated (YOU at the start) becomes the motivator (YOU at the end)!  This is what competition is to me and this is YiCompete!

* The word “why” makes us think about motivation. Would you like to share your thoughts on competitive motivation? Or even lifting motivation? What about your motivation to provide excellent gear to lifters? Working late hours, investing financial and time resources… what makes you do that?

Scott – My Faith and Family and how they perceive me means everything.  I was told that picking up junk iron (weights) would never get me anywhere and I would never get to spend my life doing it. Why would you want to enter that industry?  You cannot be competitive there is no way!  That’s a cute little business, but it will never go anywhere!  All these sayings did for me was add fuel to the fire!  I still have lifting goals I want to achieve and strive for them every rep.  As far as the company goes, I want to leave a stamp on strength sports by promoting and helping as many people as possible.  More than that I want my kids to look back at their dad and say, whatever dad put his mind to he accomplished it.  How they perceive me means more than anything to me.  The amount of money and time I have put into this company is too much for me to see it fail.  Like I said before I want this company and the people associated with it, when it is said and done, to have transformed from the motivated to the motivators.

* What are your plans for the wraps? Do you have other models in sight? How are you planning them (what is the rationale in their creation)?

Scott – YiC plans for the future is to have a variety of wraps with different colors, strengths and lengths!  The first wrap we did was the Compete Wrap, which is basically a level 1, for the general athlete.  From there we went straight to the PWRFUL Wrap, (Level 3) which is what you tested, for the serious powerlifter or strongman.  Next up is our Strong Wraps,(Level 2), which will be in within a few weeks, this is for the serious lifter as well but made from the same material as the level 1 just stiffer.  After that will come the, to be named later, level 4 which will be the stiffest wraps we will offer.  We hope to have a wide range of colors and lengths to accommodate everyone.  Even though we have the wraps that we are very happy with we will constantly be looking for more and better ways to improve them in the future.

* What about other gear? What do you produce today and what can you say about your products?

Scott – YiCompete makes wrist wraps, knee wraps, 7mm knee/elbow sleeves, lifting straps, 10mm lever belts, compression cuffs, not to mention a lot of different apparel.  Soon we will have another more aggressive knee sleeve.  One thing we can say about our gear and apparel is that we stand behind it.  Our goal is to make you happy and we provide excellent customer service along with top quality gear.  The products that we have and endorse have all been put through the ringer to see if they will hold up and all the products that you will see have passed with flying colors.

* Where do you see your company five years from now? What about ten years from now?

Scott – We will push and push this company because everyone that is on board has basically been here since day one and believes without a shadow of a doubt that we have something big here.  But the ultimate say is the consumer and no matter how big or small will not ever forget that.  Five years (hopefully way before then, LOL) from now I hope that we are competing with the big boys for the top spot of who has the best gear.  To be honest this is my passion and I hope and pray within that time frame me and the rest of the YiCompete family can be doing this full time.  We have been accepted with open arms so far and I cannot thank everyone enough.  The opportunity to meet so many cool people who share the same passion is one of the biggest blessings. Please understand that I mean it when I say we will never forget who really makes this company.  YOU DO, the consumer!  The people that are part of the YiCompete family (you know who you are) are the most down to earth and humble people you will ever meet.  All of our athletes’ that we sponsor have a say in the company.  They are not just people we throw gear at.  They are a part of the YiCompete family.  I think that is one thing that sets us apart from other companies.  As far as ten years goes I am so blessed to see where it is going now, I am hoping in 10 years the sky is the limit.  Thanks so much for this opportunity and God Bless!


Their website: http://www.yicompete.com/


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As for the knee wrap, the same structural elements make it a good wrap for either competition or training. Heavier or more experienced lifters will prefer this type of wrap on training as well as meet day: competitors should not use different types of wraps, since they should be used to the wrap to be used in competition. Some lifters, however, will use lighter wraps for lighter weights, especially if the wrap chosen for competition is excessively constrictive and not elastic enough (allows for less variation of constrictiveness). The YIcompete knee wrap model I examined is suited for both situations and adjusts well.


Interview with Scott Reid

* When did you found YIcompete? Tell us a little about your motivations for creating a gear company and your involvement with the strength sports

Scott – First off I want to thank you for testing the wraps and for the opportunity to answer your questions!  YiCompete was founded in June of 2014, but it was in the works a few years before that.  I had the idea for YiCompete about 3 years before it actually took place, but never took the leap.  Then at the absolute worst time ( I am a firefighter and got furloughed at work, which ended up taking about 45% of my pay for about 2 or 3 months), I decided to go ahead with it.  It was then or never!  It was about a year long process getting everything together and then I got some shirts made, because I wanted to sell apparel, and everyone liked the logo and shirts.  Then I was in the gym one day training and I had on an expensive, but crappy, pair of wrists wraps and thought it would be pretty cool if I have my own wrists wraps.  That’s when all the extensive research came in to find the right material, length, what people liked, didn’t like, and so on.  Then it just kind of went from there.  As a powerlifter, I know the importance of good reliable gear and thought if I was going to go down this avenue then I want to make the best possible gear I can to help athletes achieve their goals.  My belief is in doing this it will help promote strength sports, (all of them) and the athletes themselves.

* This is a question that everyone should be thinking: how did you choose the name “YIcompete”? What is a competition for you?

Scott – This is where it gets interesting!  This will either make people like the company more or turn them away.  I knew I wanted a name that would not pin the company to one certain group.  I wanted something that would include ALL strength athletes!  So I was looking at videos of meets, and things like that, and thought how hard those people work or train to get to that level.  Basically why do they compete and put themselves through that for little or no money?  Then I thought well why do I do it and then it hit me Why Do I Compete, which became YiCompete!  Now here is the part I was talking about earlier.  The logo is different and here is its story!  I had the name but no logo and I am a Christian and wanted a logo to let it be known that the foundation and morals of this company are based off of that.  So the search began and I prayed for about 3 weeks and got nothing, so I thought in time he will send me an answer.  Well another couple of weeks passed and I am starting to get worried because I have not got anything and it is getting crunch time.  Then one night I was at work and the tones went off, (the tones are what wakes firefighters up at night when they are sleeping to go on a call), or so I thought.  I got up but there was no tones, no lights, no nothing.  Then the moment I got back to my bunk it hit me.  I pulled out the notepad from my night stand and began to draw the logo you see today.  I came home told my wife what happened and asked her if she thought it would work.  She looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I know it will fail if you don’t use it.”  I had the logo for a while before I noticed if you look at it and take the C out of it; it resembles Christ on the cross!  I did not tell you that to bring people to or turn away from YiCompete.   This is who I am and what the company is about and I am not ashamed in any way!!!  Competition to me is everyday life!  Every day I compete for my Faith and my Family!  The grind of everyday life is hard enough already and the outlet and joy that strength sports bring to me is something that I wish ever person could feel.  So that is one of the reasons why promoting the strength sports is so important to me and the company!  Everyday life is a competition and it carries endless amounts of stress.  But for me the platform is where you can let all that go.  It is not about self it is about being dedicated, motivated and overcoming plateaus and doing it on a regular basis.  When you do this in front of people with that added pressure and you do it over and over that is what makes a champion!  Then the motivated (YOU at the start) becomes the motivator (YOU at the end)!  This is what competition is to me and this is YiCompete!

* The word “why” makes us think about motivation. Would you like to share your thoughts on competitive motivation? Or even lifting motivation? What about your motivation to provide excellent gear to lifters? Working late hours, investing financial and time resources… what makes you do that?

Scott – My Faith and Family and how they perceive me means everything.  I was told that picking up junk iron (weights) would never get me anywhere and I would never get to spend my life doing it. Why would you want to enter that industry?  You cannot be competitive there is no way!  That’s a cute little business, but it will never go anywhere!  All these sayings did for me was add fuel to the fire!  I still have lifting goals I want to achieve and strive for them every rep.  As far as the company goes, I want to leave a stamp on strength sports by promoting and helping as many people as possible.  More than that I want my kids to look back at their dad and say, whatever dad put his mind to he accomplished it.  How they perceive me means more than anything to me.  The amount of money and time I have put into this company is too much for me to see it fail.  Like I said before I want this company and the people associated with it, when it is said and done, to have transformed from the motivated to the motivators.

* What are your plans for the wraps? Do you have other models in sight? How are you planning them (what is the rationale in their creation)?

Scott – YiC plans for the future is to have a variety of wraps with different colors, strengths and lengths!  The first wrap we did was the Compete Wrap, which is basically a level 1, for the general athlete.  From there we went straight to the PWRFUL Wrap, (Level 3) which is what you tested, for the serious powerlifter or strongman.  Next up is our Strong Wraps,(Level 2), which will be in within a few weeks, this is for the serious lifter as well but made from the same material as the level 1 just stiffer.  After that will come the, to be named later, level 4 which will be the stiffest wraps we will offer.  We hope to have a wide range of colors and lengths to accommodate everyone.  Even though we have the wraps that we are very happy with we will constantly be looking for more and better ways to improve them in the future.

* What about other gear? What do you produce today and what can you say about your products?

Scott – YiCompete makes wrist wraps, knee wraps, 7mm knee/elbow sleeves, lifting straps, 10mm lever belts, compression cuffs, not to mention a lot of different apparel.  Soon we will have another more aggressive knee sleeve.  One thing we can say about our gear and apparel is that we stand behind it.  Our goal is to make you happy and we provide excellent customer service along with top quality gear.  The products that we have and endorse have all been put through the ringer to see if they will hold up and all the products that you will see have passed with flying colors.

* Where do you see your company five years from now? What about ten years from now?

Scott – We will push and push this company because everyone that is on board has basically been here since day one and believes without a shadow of a doubt that we have something big here.  But the ultimate say is the consumer and no matter how big or small will not ever forget that.  Five years (hopefully way before then, LOL) from now I hope that we are competing with the big boys for the top spot of who has the best gear.  To be honest this is my passion and I hope and pray within that time frame me and the rest of the YiCompete family can be doing this full time.  We have been accepted with open arms so far and I cannot thank everyone enough.  The opportunity to meet so many cool people who share the same passion is one of the biggest blessings. Please understand that I mean it when I say we will never forget who really makes this company.  YOU DO, the consumer!  The people that are part of the YiCompete family (you know who you are) are the most down to earth and humble people you will ever meet.  All of our athletes’ that we sponsor have a say in the company.  They are not just people we throw gear at.  They are a part of the YiCompete family.  I think that is one thing that sets us apart from other companies.  As far as ten years goes I am so blessed to see where it is going now, I am hoping in 10 years the sky is the limit.  Thanks so much for this opportunity and God Bless!


Their website: http://www.yicompete.com/


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