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  All Hallows Day. Samhain. This is when the door between the two worlds fades and you actually can pass through. Breaking through to the other side. The caretaker rose from his hiding in the labyrinth and took a small key from his pocket. “Here”, he said, as he handed it to her. He smiled

Halloween Read More »

Fim do ciclo de desconstrução e a minha experiência com federações

  Quanto ao texto anterior sobre regras e comportamento ético: 1. trata-se da minha experiência pessoal, única e exclusivamente. Já fui atleta competitiva de outros esportes, aliás, um olímpico e bem elitizado: não sou nenhuma novata. Também estudei e estudo aspectos da tecnologia no esporte. Minha experiência me mostrou que as relações que observei são

Fim do ciclo de desconstrução e a minha experiência com federações Read More »

The Instagram Toilet thoughts #2: Be careful with anthopocentric biological metaphors: they are usually wrong

* the number of lion pictures associated with the values of aggressiveness, leadership, hunting behavior, taking action leading a group, moral superiority, etc., is amazing. I’d say everyday, in three toilet sessions (you know what I mean), there are at least three lion picture in a five minute scroll * take a moment to read

The Instagram Toilet thoughts #2: Be careful with anthopocentric biological metaphors: they are usually wrong Read More »

(Brainstorm) AAS, scientific research and the effectiveness of forbidding and punishing Introduction There is an abundance of negative claims and evidence about the effects of AAS. These claims and evidence are much more visible and accessible than those about beneficial effects of these substances. The consequence of this discrepancy is a state of misinformation. I

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