2016 review

Powerlifting: dishonor, doubt and the first bomb-out. Brewing a new beginning – part 4

Along the year, I had the misfortune of observing the worst of what powerlifting became as a sport. While there are still honorable projects – whether federative, companies, gyms, educational initiatives – I would say most lack honesty, credibility, and, most of all, trustworthiness. I learned and witnessed things that I wish I never had.

Powerlifting: dishonor, doubt and the first bomb-out. Brewing a new beginning – part 4 Read More »

The deconstruction of a model: what really happened? – part 3

But what about what created the conditions for all of this to happen? The first model I had for what happened, the only possible one given the information I had, deconstructed itself. The evidence against the psychopathic con artist I had married slowly melted. First was my realization that the first “solid witnesses” were blatantly

The deconstruction of a model: what really happened? – part 3 Read More »

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