marilia coutinho

Intimidation and the Fitness Industry

(This article was originally published at – link below) “Your compliance will be rewarded.” (Hydra, Marvel Pictures) This article is in sequence to my previous article. Its target audience is primarily the gym owner but also health professionals working in physical training in general, sports and fitness environments, and institutions. I hope it may be a tool […]

Intimidation and the Fitness Industry Read More »

The beauty of team work in sports: organizing meets is a very specialized occupation

I have been the president of a national powerlifting organization in a powerlifting and ethics-unfriendly country. Our organization never really grew: the corruption tradition was so strong that the IPL/USPA project could hardly be understood by people who were already lifters. Our chance were the newcomers. I didn’t have the time: I moved away. I

The beauty of team work in sports: organizing meets is a very specialized occupation Read More »

Something about principles, right and wrong, good and evil, coherence and violence

(because many of the issues we discuss concerning sports governance, politics and interpersonal relations boils down to this – take it as a warmup for a discussion about performance enhancing drugs and the hidden agendas of the war on drugs) Principles are guidelines or beliefs by which one lives one’s life, makes one’s decisions, etc.

Something about principles, right and wrong, good and evil, coherence and violence Read More »

Never cross, step on or even approach too closely a loaded bar

The bar is a sacred object for the lifter. No, I’m not taking poetic license here: sacred means that something is connected to something transcendent. The loaded bar a lifter is ready to lift is sacred to the bone. Be especially watchful with the deadlift bar. It’s on the ground, you might (if you are

Never cross, step on or even approach too closely a loaded bar Read More »

How to fix your bench press – part 3: Programming Issues and Assistance Work (EliteFTS collection)

1. The setup 2. The execution 3. Programming and assistance work   This is the third and last part of this series on how to fix your bench press. Let us start by repeating one of my half a dozen favorite sayings in powerlifting coaching: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This said, understand

How to fix your bench press – part 3: Programming Issues and Assistance Work (EliteFTS collection) Read More »

Recovery from Chaos 2: on strength improvement and facing imbalance

This second chapter of “Recovery from Chaos” covers early April (April 2) up to April 20. It is also the period when the assessment of strength loss and injury expression is concluded. We now go into a period of addressing imbalances, which we (meaning Dani Overcash and myself)  believe will be basic to enter a

Recovery from Chaos 2: on strength improvement and facing imbalance Read More »

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