Recovery from Chaos 3: my rehab journey

My recovery has been documented with short videos and comments posted on Instagram. Here you can see the whole sequence, starting from bellow.

"Recovery from Chaos" – ASYMMETRY AND PAIN – The video is a bit confusing. To the left, you have progress on the split squat exercise with the "bad leg": that's 95lbs, 30lbs heavier than the last session, which is good and interesting. I cut the video on the part where I lost balance in one of the sets to show that the added weight evidenced the lack of coordination and balance at the left side. Asymmetry at its best. On the right side there is a possible mistake, because it caused pain and today I'm still a bit sore. Observe that the "split good-morning" with the injured leg (the injury at stake here being the hamstring tendon origin) is extremely hard and painful. The same exercise with the right leg is easy, painless and balanced. The regular good morning, even with the injury (that happened in December 2015), can be done in 10 reps sets with 50-60kg. These data are important to understand the magnitude of asymmetry in this specific injured athlete (me): if the full ROM regular gesture can be accomplished at 10 X 60kg and the split variation can't even be performed with the empty bar (20kg), we can actually understand how much the right leg is being taxed by the imbalance. Which, of course, is a disaster waiting to happen if we don't fix it. #recovery #rebootinglife #recoveryfromchaos #mariliacoutinho #rehab #goodmorning #squat #splitsquat #splitgoodmorning #fixingasymmetry

A video posted by Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) on


"Recovery from Chaos" – GOOD LEG X BAD LEG. Observe that the good leg is not exactly good, but it is much better than the left leg in terms of proprioception, balance and coordination. Yes, the kettlebell is twice as heavy as last week's, so the discrepancy is much more obvious. But it does look like right out of surgery, doesn't it? Lessons to take home: rehab after surgery is not ornamental. It is absolutely critical for an athlete's performance for the years to come. Something not addressed will remain a problem until it is. Lesson to take home number two: chaotic life periods, or what is technically known as "external life stressors" exacerbate old injuries and provide opportunity for new ones (given the inflammatory overload bla bla bla bla). So, yeah: great time to fix stuff that needed fixing. Thanks to Dr. @danicashdpt #mariliacoutinho #powerliftinginjuries #powerlifting #injury #recoveryfromchaos #recovery #rehab #rebootinglife

A video posted by Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) on

"Recovery from Chaos" – let's see if this video shows what I want (something funny happened while cutting it): this is a set of alternate split squats with only 55lbs, 5 reps, and a set of split squats with 25lbs dumbbells, 5 reps, no rest between sets. 2 sets with empty bar and 5 sets with the ridiculous weight. You know what? It was hard as hell! After this, I was sweating like a dog and really tired. I did 5 X 5 ending with 100kg full ROM squat and just felt my legs were turning to jello. Oh, yes: there was a single leg deadlift before the squats. We're excited about this (@danicashdpt and I). I will try to get a video demonstration of how weaker and less proprioceptively competent my left (ACL reconstructed) leg is. I wonder how I managed to handle things with such strong asymmetry. It's also interesting to note how fast the left leg is improving. #mariliacoutinho #asymmetries #recovery #recoveryfromchaos #powerliftinginjuries #powerlifting #squat

A video posted by Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) on


"Recovery from Chaos" – addressing asymmetries. The two sessions are just two days apart. I believe what is important to show is that not ever having addressed them at all kept me in a state of extreme proprioceptive and strength imbalance. There's some universal lessons to learn from that, if you are a coach or an educated athlete: after major surgery or major injury, there is major proprioceptive loss. And, as me-myself coined it, "stability is the mother of strength". With loss of proprioception, balance and hence, coordination, there is obvious loss of strength (only relevant for performance) but also an open road to sequential injuries. Let's deal with that, shall we. #powerliftinginjuries #powerlifting #mariliacoutinho #rebootinglife #recovery #recoveryfromchaos #proprioception #imbalances #rehab

A video posted by Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) on


"Recovery from Chaos" – A week ago, @danicashdpt and I started addressing imbalances. The most relevant one I have is L X R from long term accumulated injuries: in 2009 I had left knee ACL reconstruction, from which I never adequately recovered proprioception. I broke an all time squat record after that, for example, but to this day I can't climb down stairs without hand support. After that, catastrophic injuries, major muscle tears followed, sometimes alternating L and R, but mostly on the left side. The video shows some improvement (larger frame) after three sessions. I used different unilateral exercises such as split squats, pistols, one leg deadlift and jump-lunges. We are pretty confident that the CNS response to maximum strength stimulus is much faster than correcting imbalances, so that will be the focus of the next cycle, without neglecting strength at a slightly higher volume. Meanwhile, disasters are unfortunately still happening at a more or less regular basis. Chaos is, by definition, made of unpredictable catastrophic events. Yet, their occurrence, given the context, is predictable according to some sort of pattern. Chaos theory is a good approach. Bad luck is another. #recovery #recoveryfromchaos #mariliacoutinho #powerliftinginjuries #powerlifting #imbalances #correctingimbalances #rehab #splitsquats

A video posted by Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) on

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