março 2015

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter

“So I broke this yoke record, which is not meant to stay, but to be broken again”. Thus spoke Marcos Ferrari, the highest ranked strongman in Brazil. Today. Just for today, and he knows it. Even at a young age, he knows all athletic accomplishments are the best for a short period of time. Sometimes […]

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter Leia mais »

The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you

There´s a controversy that won’t go away that easy: what improves your deaflift more? Increasing or decreasing frequency? Until a few years back, we had few advocates of the higher (highER, not high) frequency deadlift. Today, however, a couple of good coaches recommend higher frequency pulling. Three weeks ago, one of my lifters had a

The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you Leia mais »

Four things that can simplify your training

Like most important things in life, physical training can be both as complex as to justify getting advanced degrees on, yotabytes of published information and controversy all over the place and as simple as brushing your teeth and going to work. Complexity makes it fun and calls for questions and improvement. Simplicity makes it feasible

Four things that can simplify your training Leia mais »

Spreading the Iron Gospel – part 1

Like in any other sport or skilled activity, learning powerlifting involves certain stages. Sports learning is generally understood as a three stage process:  the cognitive, associative and autonomous stages. The cognitive stage is where the individual recognizes the basic components of a certain skill or motor task. He must form a visual image of each

Spreading the Iron Gospel – part 1 Leia mais »

Militância e marketing – alguns comentários que podem ajudar quem eu não quero muito ajudar

Ativismo político consiste num conjunto de atividades para avançar um determinado projeto político, ou “causa”. Estas atividades incluem a criação de consensos internos, a educação da suposta ou real “base” (os indivíduos, numa sociedade, afetados pela questão que está na origem da caus) e comunicação com outros agentes. Quem são os “outros agentes”? Todo mundo.

Militância e marketing – alguns comentários que podem ajudar quem eu não quero muito ajudar Leia mais »

About the decision taken by RUM organizers to eliminate knee wraps and the monolift

1. I support it. I support the present organizers: they are doing a very good job, overall. 2. RUM is an interesting project. Apart from my organization’s projects (I am a member of the IPL/USPA), this is the only one that interests me. 3. I lifted raw, equipped, classic – everything. I enjoy raw lifting

About the decision taken by RUM organizers to eliminate knee wraps and the monolift Leia mais »

O centro de treinamento que cabe no seu porta-malas e numa caixa

A maior parte das pessoas não tem idéia de quanta gente tem restrições para treinar em qualquer outro lugar além da sua casa. Os motivos variam desde a falta de tempo para se deslocar até um centro de treinamento ou academia, passando pela preferência por sua própria casa ou um parque, desordens variadas (desde impedimentos

O centro de treinamento que cabe no seu porta-malas e numa caixa Leia mais »

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